Friday, December 12, 2014

Absolute Value

Today we started a new topic in Math --- ABSOLUTE VALUE!  Check out this video to learn more about our new topic. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Math Test!

There will be a math test on Thursday!  Ask students about the Kahoot!  game we played in class today!

After the test, students who have finished with their squizzle may get an iPAD and click here.   You may browse any of the games on this site.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Activities for Thursday!

Here is the link to the survey to take during Math on Thursday!

Once you are done with the math problem solving and survey, click here and you may browse any of the games on this site while using an iPAD.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Opposite of an Opposite

Today we worked on a tricky concept...finding the opposite of an opposite!  Check out our screenshot from our investigation today!

So, if the opposite of 8 is -8, then the opposite of the opposite of 8 is 8.

Another way to write "the opposite of the opposite of 8" using an expression is - ( -8).  Math homework today is the "Opposite of an Opposite" worksheet.