Friday, January 30, 2015

Writing Expressions All Week!

My apologies for the lack of blog postings this week---please know that we were BUSY with different math concepts!  Check out everything we investigated this week!

On Wednesday we worked with writing expressions that dealt with addition and subtraction.  This was a bit tricky to make sure the expressions always "said" what we were trying to achieve mathematically.  For instance, if we wanted the sum of h and w minus 11, students wrote "(h+w) - 11".

On Thursday we continued writing expressions but threw in some multiplication.  The sixth graders seemed to breeze right through matching expressions like "36lj" and "6 x 6 x l x j"  and even played a game of BINGO!  We discussed the vocabulary words "variable" and "coefficient". 

On Friday, we really kicked it up a notch and brought in division.  Let me tell you, nothing can stop these kids!  We were writing quotients and fractions and even using parentheses to have a quantity in the denominator!  Check out these slides from today!