Monday, March 30, 2015

Geometry Unit

We are starting our Geometry Unit today --- wahoo!  And, we are trying to incorporate some Geometry jokes into the lesson in hopes to capture student interest. :)

Today students investigated parallelograms and found a way that we could always find the area of a parallelogram.  Some students had the idea to divide the shape into two triangles and a rectangle and then find the area of the two triangles and add it to the area of the rectangle.  Other students discovered that if we cut off one triangle we could move it to the other end and make a rectangle; this way we could just take "base x height" to find the area of any parallelogram.  Check out the image below!

Image result for area of a parallelogram

We started a notes page that should be inside each student's math resource folder.  Check it out periodically to see what we are learning during this unit!  Here is a snapshot with the same information as the notes students got today.   

Image result for area of a parallelogram