Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Valentine's Day Information

The sixth graders will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 13, 2015.  We have asked sixth graders to bring in valentines for students in 6K.  A class list was sent home in our last Friday Folder, and Mrs. Springer has extras too.  

We also discussed that each student will need a box to store his/her valentines in for the day.  Students have been asked to create a box at home and bring it in by Friday, February 15, 2015.  Boxes that excel in the following categories will be awarded a ribbon.  Students help think of the categories for 6K!  :) 

Ribbons will be awarded for the boxes that are the most...
funny, weird, colorful, creative, unique, valentine-y, small, personalized, sophisticated, realistic design, movie themed, and quantity of decorations used. 

Best of luck with your creations!